Dynamics of Change



    I will expand on the rubber band analogy that explains dynamic tension created between your current state and your desired state, by adding in the aspects of the change equation.
    The change equation demonstrates the aspects that need to be changed in individuals or organizations. It is very effective to create a snapshot to use at times of growth and change.

    The “change equation” (C = D × V × F > PC) is used as a diagnostic tool for change work.

    • C is the amount of change people will accomplish.
    • D is their dissatisfaction with the status quo.
    • V is their vision of a preferred future.
    • F is their clarity about the first steps in how to go about changing.

    PC is their perceived costs of changing (personal and to people or institutions they care about), which reflects the potential for resistance to a change
    We do not use the word future, though your desired state may be in the future, “F” is used in the equation for the first steps that need to be taken. We see “F” as heading towards the desired vision but “PC”- perceived cost as working in the opposite direction. The strongest one will win and you will achieve your goal or return to your current state.

    The energies of both aspects fluctuate but neither are permanent, moving from one to the other dependant on where you place your energy. The energy towards the current state diminishes as perceived cost is minimized. When the most strongly attached anchors of your current state becomes affiliated to your desired state, the energy switches sides.

    With the rubber band example the network of threads and anchors are part of the tension that holds us in our current state, this shows that the interplay is always changing from moment to moment and from situation to situation. We reside in the current state so it is more strongly represented in our subconscious. The desired state is still an imagined scenario so it is vital to represent it with more density by our visualization and use of senses.

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