Improve Today and Tomarrow



    The goal of transformation is to make things better. Some of the aspects will be in the future, particularly when we deal with large systems. But improve we must.

    In every aspect of our life, we need to think for the future. Here again, the issue of our vision creeps in, as to whether we are literally talking about something that will occur in the future, or whether it is a possibility in the here and now.

    The power of change

    Can you imagine what our world would be like if each of us had the intention of leaving it a better place when we are gone and acting on that in every moment?

    Imagine that you can engage a situation, right now, and imagine leaving this part of the world a better place as soon as you leave. You would be looking for the absolute highest good for each moment. What would you create? How much better would this world become?

    How to make change

    The mere act of thinking about a desired state is the first step in creating. If we think about it over and over, we will create it before we realize it.

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