Stay in Touch with the World


    9196597579_383a244c65_nAttend conferences with other members from your organization. Divide yourselves across the conference and see how many connections you can make. There is a wealth of information freely shared in conferences, through keynote speakers, industry presenters, and interesting participants. Come together to process learning and evaluate your progress during the course of the conference.

    Arrange presentations from consultants, others in the industry, people from other industries, academics, community leaders, to futurists. Schedule time to have discussions with these people about what you are hearing and the questions being raised for you. Take the time to listen to what others already know. Use this time to explore, discuss, and look for trends in your thinking.

    Another powerful learning is to make site visits to other industries or businesses. This is not benchmarking or sharing of best practices, but searching for how other organizations are different. Look for sites that have an interesting difference or that have some attribute that particularly intrigues you. You are looking for what is a different, challenge they have faced, what they have learned from their own journey.

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